I came across Katherine’s video and then her website. I started my son on the reduced free glutamate diet when he was 3yrs old. I started to see improvements within two weeks and continue to see progress 3 months later. After two weeks my son was more observant, more aware of his environment, used more spontaneous language, used more exploratory language, doing better at preschool, and more calm. He also comprehended language and boundaries more, and responded more appropriately to instructions. Over the next month I continued to see my son improve. His sensory sensitivities, behavior and communication continued to improve. We were struggling with potty training before the diet and after the diet, he started requesting his needs including going potty. His memory also has improved. Language is more appropriate and used in context now. It’s as if his learning channels have all been opened up after being in a fog. I’m so glad I came across Katherine’s information. She was most helpful consulting with me on the phone and answering all my questions. Her cookie recipe was a big hit with my son!
Joshua Black
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