We believe every healing journey begins with a closer look at what we are eating.
As a PhD biochemist and a mom determined to help my daughter with autism, I discovered that our foods have many hidden ingredients. These ingredients, like free glutamate (MSG), are common triggers to many of the symptoms that we associate with disorders like autism and other inflammatory/neurological disorders.
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About REID
The Reduced Excitatory Inflammatory Diet (REID) is a food lifestyle focused on reducing excitatory and inhibitory signaling imbalance (i.e. improving neurotransmitter balance) and reducing inflammation through a balanced whole food approach. Some of the most prevalent excitatory and inflammatory foods are gluten, casein (class of proteins found in dairy), soy, corn (to a lesser extent) and ready-to-eat or commercially processed foods with various food additives, particularly those containing free glutamate and aspartate. These foods can be problematic because of their high concentration of unbound/free glutamate (glutamic acid). Unbound or free glutamate (aka MSG) is most commonly found in processed foods as a food additive or created as a byproduct of commercial food manufacturing processes. For more information see REID. Also Dr. Katherine Reid’s book goes into the subject in more detail, Fat, Stressed, and Sick: MSG, Processed Food, and America’s Health.

Your Donation Supports Our Important Work:
- Awareness and educating on sources of free glutamate (MSG)
- Influencing the medical community to examine food as part of the healing journey
- Raising money for clinical trials examining the effects of MSG on autistic symptoms
- Advocating product labeling of MSG levels in foods
My Why