Have you ever seen the food ingredient label Natural Flavors, Raspberry Flavor, Vanilla Flavor… you get the idea? I interpreted this as flavors that had natural ingredients such as raspberry juice or cinnamon dash. I also thought the ingredient label was a way for food manufacturers to keep their secret recipes proprietary.  The ingredient list above is from Country Peach Passion Herbal Tea.

But not so. Unless this ingredient label contains a parenthetical list of exactly what’s in the Natural Flavors label; i.e. (raspberry juice, blackberry juice) this label masks 30-60% glutamate. This seemingly omnipresent ingredient delivers a dose of MSG in every food item that we consume. From drinks, to toothpastes, to many formulations in medicines, Natural Flavors resides.

If this was the only ingredient delivering a dose of glutamates, perhaps health issues would not be so pervasive. Unfortunately, there are a vast number of additional ingredients containing glutamate. The impact is that most of us consume dangerous amounts of glutamates every day. What affect is your food having on you and your family?